Need to “rehabilitate” the results of your workout program? Then you might want to try the Prison Workout.

Does it work? In prison, gaining muscle mass and strength is not just something for a To-Do List. It could be a matter of safety or even survival.

Why does it work? Lots of reasons. But a secret to the Prison Workout is the high number of repetitions and the high number of workouts. It is resistance training … but the resistance comes from one’s body weight, not equipment. That means this workout can be done just about anywhere.

The Prison Workout provides people with a substantial increase in muscle size and strength. Plus, the workout’s intensity and use of plyometrics will help improve cardiovascular fitness.

Some of the exercises included in this effective workout could include …

:: Push Ups

:: Squats

:: Chin Ups

:: Pull Ups

:: Dips

:: Lunges

:: Planks

:: Burpees

:: Handstand Pushups

:: Hanging Leg Raises

The Value Of Progressive Overload

The Prison Workout uses Progressive Overload to help take someone from flabby to fit. Strength training using Progressive Overload lets you gradually increase the reps, sets, and number of exercises performed during your workouts. Over time, this increase in intensity will help increase your muscle size, strength, and stamina.

This approach will help give you great physical results. Plus, the motivation you’ll get from watching your body adapt and handle greater workloads will push you to high levels of achievement.

Create A Prison Workout Routine For Your Personal Goals

A great attribute of the Prison Workout is that it allows you tremendous flexibility in designing a program that meets your fitness needs. Do you want stronger arms … more explosive power … greater definition … more ripped abs? The Prison Workout will let you create a workout tailored for the results that YOU desire.

Sample Workout For One Week

Day 1 (Upper Body)

Set 1:    Push Ups 20 reps
            Chin Ups 1 rep

Set 2:    Push Ups 19 reps
            Chin Ups 2 reps

Set 3:    Push Ups 18 reps
            Chin Ups 3 reps

Set 4:    Push Ups 17 reps
            Chin Ups 4 reps

Set 5:    Push Ups 16 reps
            Chin Ups 5 reps

Set 6:    Push Ups 15 reps
            Chin Ups 6 reps

Set 7:    Push Ups 14 reps
            Chin Ups 7 reps

Set 8:    Push Ups 13 reps
            Chin Ups 8 reps

Set 9:    Push Ups 12 reps
            Chin Ups 9 reps

Set 10:  Push Ups 11 reps
            Chin Ups 10 reps

Set 11:  Push Ups 10 reps
            Chin Ups 11 rep

Set 12:  Push Ups 9 reps
            Chin Ups 12 reps

Set 13:  Push Ups 8 reps
            Chin Ups 13 reps

Set 14:  Push Ups 7 reps
            Chin Ups 14 reps

Set 15:  Push Ups 6 reps
            Chin Ups 15 reps

Set 16:  Push Ups 5 reps
            Chin Ups 16 reps

Set 17:  Push Ups 4 reps
            Chin Ups 17 reps

Set 18:  Push Ups 3 reps
            Chin Ups 18 reps

Set 19:  Push Ups 2 reps
            Chin Ups 19 reps

Set 20:  Push Ups 1 reps
            Chin Ups 20 reps

Day 2 (Lower Body)

Set 1:    Squats 20 reps
            Calf Raises 1 rep

Set 2:    Squats 19 reps
            Calf Raises 2 reps

Set 3:    Squats 18 reps
            Calf Raises 3 reps

Set 4:    Squats 17 reps
            Calf Raises 4 reps

Set 5:    Squats 16 reps
            Calf Raises 5 reps

Set 6:    Squats 15 reps
            Calf Raises 6 reps

Set 7:    Squats 14 reps
            Calf Raises 7 reps

Set 8:    Squats 13 reps
            Calf Raises 8 reps

Set 9:    Squats 12 reps
            Calf Raises 9 reps

Set 10:  Squats 11 reps
            Calf Raises 10 reps

Set 11:  Squats 10 reps
            Calf Raises 11 rep

Set 12:  Squats 9 reps
            Calf Raises 12 reps

Set 13:  Squats 8 reps
            Calf Raises 13 reps

Set 14:  Squats 7 reps
            Calf Raises 14 reps

Set 15:  Squats 6 reps
            Calf Raises 15 reps

Set 16:  Squats 5 reps
            Calf Raises 16 reps

Set 17:  Squats 4 reps
            Calf Raises 17 reps

Set 18:  Squats 3 reps
            Calf Raises 18 reps

Set 19:  Squats 2 reps
            Calf Raises 19 reps

Set 20:  Squats 1 reps
            Calf Raises 20 reps

Day 3 (Full Body & Core)

Set 1:    Burpees 20 reps
            Plank 5 seconds

Set 2:    Burpees 19 reps
            Plank 10 seconds

Set 3:    Burpees 18 reps
            Plank 15 seconds

Set 4:    Burpees 17 reps
            Plank 20 seconds

Set 5:    Burpees 16 reps
            Plank 25 seconds

Set 6:    Burpees 15 reps
            Plank 30 seconds

Set 7:    Burpees 14 reps
            Plank 35 seconds

Set 8:    Burpees 13 reps
            Plank 40 seconds

Set 9:    Burpees 12 reps
            Plank 45 seconds

Set 10:  Burpees 11 reps
            Plank 50 seconds

Set 11:  Burpees 10 reps
            Plank 55 seconds

Set 12:  Burpees 9 reps
            Plank 60 seconds

Set 13:  Burpees 8 reps
            Plank 1 min. 5 seconds

Set 14:  Burpees 7 reps
            Plank 1 min. 10 seconds

Set 15:  Burpees 6 reps
            Plank 1 min. 15 seconds

Set 16:  Burpees 5 reps
            Plank 1 min. 20 seconds

Set 17:  Burpees 4 reps
            Plank 1 min. 25 seconds

Set 18:  Burpees 3 reps
            Plank 1 min. 30 seconds

Set 19:  Burpees 2 reps
            Plank 1 min. 35 seconds

Set 20:  Burpees 1 reps
            Plank 1 min. 40 seconds

Day 4 (Physical Activity)

Take a rest day. But DO something. Go for a walk. Play some Tennis or Pickleball. Even do some housecleaning. Do anything to get your body moving while you also engage your mind. Since this is a rest day, make sure the activity recharges your battery and provides a source of pleasure.

Don’t Imprison Your Mind While You Do The Prison Workout!

Be creative. Mix up your routine. Focus on the goal of adding muscle size and endurance and you’ll add mojo to your fitness efforts.